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Pune Spider : Information portal for Pune city.

Pune Spider is the ultimate online information portal for Pune city. You will get any information related to Pune city from the site Pune Spider. Some of the available data in Pune Spider includes list of hotels in Pune, list of colleges in Pune, list banks and ATM's in Pune, list of hospitals in Pune, list of tourist centers, historical places and pilgrim centers in Pune. The photos and videos related to Pune city is also listed in the Pune Spider.

How to participate in adsense through Pune Spider?

The articles and resources in Pune Spider is submitted by the registered members of Pune Spider. The main sections where members can contribute in Pune Spider are:
Resource section: You can write articles related to Pune city (other self written articles are also accepted) in this section.
Business section: You can submit business centers and details like address of hotels, colleges, schools, banks, hospitals etc. in Pune city in this section.
Bookmark: You can bookmark your favourite websites which are also useful for others in this section.
Gallery: The photos and videos related to Pune city are submitted in this section (good pictures which are not related to Pune are also accepted).
Classifieds: This section is for submitting free classifieds.
90% of the revenue from Google ads is shared with the members in Pune Spider. So the revenue from the pages with articles submitted by you is shared with you in Pune Spider.

Other benefits in joining Pune Spider.

Pune Spider is also encouraging social networking through options like active discussions in forums, adding member buddies, gift shop to present gifts to friends, chat room, communities etc. Also you can join Pune Spider even if you are not from Pune city and you can participate in Google Adsesne Program. Also many contests are conducted in Pune Spider for members which gives additional cash awards to the members. Guidance for participating in Google adsense is given by the webmaster and the doubts can be cleared very easily through the forum.

For joining Pune Spider and participating in Google Adsense follow the link: Pune Spider


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