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2012 Movie Review

2012 is the movie from the great director of movies Independence Day and Day After Tomorrow,  Roland Emmerich. The movie tells the story about how world is going to end and if it is possible for human race to continue in earth.

The story starts with discovery of sudden increase of heat in the earth's crust due to penetrated neutrinos from sun by a astrophysicist in India. It was reported to the US President by his friend Adrian Helmsley and at the 36th G8 summit the leaders of the nation decided to choose 400000 people and accommodate them safely in huge arks for the continuity of human life.
The hero in the movie is Jackson Curtis who is a writer and a part time limousine driver to a billionaire. He plans to go for a trip with his children Noha and Lily to the Yellowstone National Park. They enters into the restricted area and saw an evaporated lake. They found Charlie Forst a radio show analyst who knows about the Mayans prediction about the world end and he also tolds them that he has got a map on the ark's location, which is the only way of survival on earth. Jackson and his children returns to home and by that time earth quakes occur in San Fransisco and California.
In the next day he dropped the Russian billionaires children on a private plane and was confused of there talking, so he arranged a private plane for his family also to escape from there if anything happens. Soon the earth's crust began displacement and he collects his family including Gordon his ex-wife's husband and fly towards Los Angels.
He now believes what Charlie told him and he flies to Yellowstone Nationals park to collect the map of ark's location from Charlie. He gets the map from Charlie and found that the ark's are in China.
Then they lands on another airport and founds the Russian billionaire and his children there with Sasha pilot and his girlfriend Tamara. They flew to China in a new plane and on the way they found that they have not enough fuel to reach China. SO they crash lands the plane and Sasha dies. They found that they are on China due to the displacement of earth's crust and a rescue mission founds them. But they only take the Russian millionaire and his children who were having tickets to ark with them. Jackson and his family starts walking and they found a truck going towards the mountains where ark is situated. Nima a Buddhist monk was in the truck with his grandparents he helps them to reach ark and Nima's brother who was working with the ark's construction helps them to get into the ark through another way.But on that adventures way Tamara and Gordon loss there life and the others where escaped.
The tsunami hits the ark but all were safe in the ark and then the title appears as Day 27 Month 00, Year 00. The tsunami eventually recedes and arks set sail to the Cape of Good Hope. In the ending the continents of Earth have merged to become one landmass in the shape of Africa.

Director: Roland Emmerich
Writers: Roland Emmerich and Harold Kloser
Cast:  John Cusack - Jackson Curtis
         Amanda Peet - Kate Curtis
         Chiwetel Ejiofor - Adrian Helmsley
         Zlatko Buric - Yuri Karpov (Russian Millionare)
         Woody Harrelson - Charlie Frost

You can read about the theories and predictions on year 2012 end of world from here: 2012 end of world

2012 Movie Trailer


Denial said...

Dammit, i can't watch this blog due to being in Ireland but i can say however that i also reviewed this film and it is without doubt one of the worst films of the year, as bad as Bride Wars, and quite possibly one of the worst films of the decade. Shame on John Cusack! When will he ever go back to making masterpieces such as Better Off Dead? Tax Filing

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